Formation d'excellence pour futurs leaders

Développez vos compétences dans les secteurs tertiaire et industriel.

Programmes variés

Formations adaptées aux besoins du marché actuel.

Encadrement par des experts du secteur.

Infrastructures modernes et innovantes.

Expertise reconnue
Équipe pédagogique

Chers visiteurs,

Bienvenue sur le site web de notre Institut Supérieur et Technique en Tertiaire et Industriel. C'est avec un immense plaisir que je vous accueille dans notre communauté, où nous nous engageons à fournir une formation de qualité qui prépare nos étudiants à exceller dans un monde en constante évolution.

Notre institut se distingue par son approche innovante, ses formateurs expérimentés et ses infrastructures modernes, qui favorisent un environnement d'apprentissage dynamique et enrichissant. Que vous soyez un futur étudiant, un parent, ou un partenaire industriel, vous découvrirez ici toute la richesse de nos programmes et la diversité des opportunités que nous offrons.

Nous croyons fermement que chaque individu a un potentiel unique à exploiter. C'est pourquoi nous mettons un accent particulier sur l’orientation pratique de nos enseignements, qui allient théorie et application dans des domaines aussi variés que le management, l'ingénierie, et les technologies émergentes.

Nous vous invitons à explorer notre site pour en savoir plus sur nos cursus, les projets de recherche, ainsi que les partenariats que nous avons établis avec des entreprises de renom. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour toute question ou pour discuter de votre avenir professionnel.

Rejoignez-nous dans cette aventure passionnante vers l’excellence académique et professionnelle. Ensemble, construisons le futur.


Maradi, le 15 février 2025

Le Directeur de l’Etablissement

Illa Sanoussi


Institut Supérieur Technique COTEG

Nous formons des cadres supérieurs depuis plus de 14 ans dans les domaines tertiaire et industriel. Rejoignez-nous pour une formation de qualité et un avenir prometteur.



Plus de 14 ans d'expérience

Etudiants formés


Filières de formation

Nos Services

Formation professionnelle dans les secteurs tertiaire et industriel pour futurs cadres supérieurs.

Formation Académique

Des programmes adaptés pour développer des compétences techniques et managériales dans divers domaines.

Formation Qualifiante

cette formation vous permet d'acquérir des compétences spécifiques et de se préparer à un métier ou à une profession.

Notre parcours éducatif qui vise à obtenir une certification reconnue avec un contenu structuré et une flexibilité dans la durée.

Formation Certifiante


A group of young men and one woman are seated in a sewing workshop, with sewing machines and spools of thread visible. The men are wearing work attire and are seated in front of machines, seemingly involved in textile work. The setting appears to be a vocational or educational environment.
A group of young men and one woman are seated in a sewing workshop, with sewing machines and spools of thread visible. The men are wearing work attire and are seated in front of machines, seemingly involved in textile work. The setting appears to be a vocational or educational environment.
A classroom setting with a group of students seated and facing a large chalkboard filled with mathematical equations and diagrams. A teacher stands at the front, engaging with the students. The room has a warm lighting atmosphere with track lights on the ceiling, and various personal items like water bottles are visible on the desks.
A classroom setting with a group of students seated and facing a large chalkboard filled with mathematical equations and diagrams. A teacher stands at the front, engaging with the students. The room has a warm lighting atmosphere with track lights on the ceiling, and various personal items like water bottles are visible on the desks.
A group of people are attending a workshop focused on capacity building for instructors. The event is held in Padang and organized by various organizations, as indicated by the logos on the banner. A speaker in a red shirt is addressing the audience from a podium, while participants sit at round tables with water bottles and notes in front of them.
A group of people are attending a workshop focused on capacity building for instructors. The event is held in Padang and organized by various organizations, as indicated by the logos on the banner. A speaker in a red shirt is addressing the audience from a podium, while participants sit at round tables with water bottles and notes in front of them.
A group of people are in a classroom setting. Some are seated at desks with notebooks and pens, while one person appears to be teaching or giving a presentation. The classroom has a modern design with glass partitions and various electronic equipment, such as a tripod and a ring light.
A group of people are in a classroom setting. Some are seated at desks with notebooks and pens, while one person appears to be teaching or giving a presentation. The classroom has a modern design with glass partitions and various electronic equipment, such as a tripod and a ring light.
A black and white photograph of a classroom where multiple students are sitting at desks with computers. A person is interacting with the students, possibly teaching or assisting them. Large windows line the wall in the background, allowing natural light to illuminate the room.
A black and white photograph of a classroom where multiple students are sitting at desks with computers. A person is interacting with the students, possibly teaching or assisting them. Large windows line the wall in the background, allowing natural light to illuminate the room.
A traditional classroom setting with a large dark chalkboard mounted on a light blue wall. The ceiling has wooden beams and wire mesh, allowing natural light to filter through. The floor appears to be concrete.
A traditional classroom setting with a large dark chalkboard mounted on a light blue wall. The ceiling has wooden beams and wire mesh, allowing natural light to filter through. The floor appears to be concrete.

Découvrez notre expertise en formation des cadres supérieurs.

Avis Clients

Découvrez les témoignages de nos anciens élèves satisfaits.

L'ISTCOTEG m'a permis d'acquérir des compétences précieuses pour ma carrière professionnelle.

Ibrahim Saadou
A classroom setting featuring a wooden table with a mechanical setup involving gears and rods. A paper titled 'UNIT 1 Energy and Power' is displayed, containing diagrams and text. In the background, blurred figures and classroom materials can be seen.
A classroom setting featuring a wooden table with a mechanical setup involving gears and rods. A paper titled 'UNIT 1 Energy and Power' is displayed, containing diagrams and text. In the background, blurred figures and classroom materials can be seen.


La formation reçue à l'ISTCOTEG a été déterminante pour mon succès professionnel et personnel.

A vintage typewriter with a sheet of paper that has the word 'EDTECH' typed on it. The typewriter casing is dark green and the setting appears to be on a light wooden surface.
A vintage typewriter with a sheet of paper that has the word 'EDTECH' typed on it. The typewriter casing is dark green and the setting appears to be on a light wooden surface.
Aichatou Madé

